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Entrepreneurs are like Apples


Entrepreneurs are like Apples

Fall is in the air and you know what that means! Time to think about apples. Wait, what? Sorry, I meant entrepreneurship.

In this uncertain world, to embrace change is to succeed. Changing like the seasons allows you to grow, diversify your business, and prepare for future opportunities. 

Since fall is upon us, it has become apparent that entrepreneurs are like apples. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

  1. Apples can hit you on the head…

Just like the legendary story of Isaac Newton . Potentially your attention is drawn to the ruby red fruit hanging by a branch just like being in the office when inspiration hits out of the blue. Whether the muse is spontaneous or not, you’ve got it now.

  1. Apples need sorting!

Brainstorming is all about collecting the thoughts around you. Like apples, some might be on the branches while others are on the ground. You might already have some in the basket. Just like bad apples, some ideas need to be tossed after further examination. All the same, gathering these potential options is one of the most important steps in harvesting apples. Er, I mean… pursuing entrepreneurship.

  1. Apples need the bad parts cut out!

Trial and error is natural! When deciding what is right for your business, starting out with a good lead and discovering areas for improvement is a wonderful step in the right direction. Remember, simply because there is a blemish in the apple (idea) doesn’t mean it needs thrown out completely!

  1. Apples need rinsed…

And refined to meet their full potential as a product. Preparing ideas before following through are the right steps before moving forward. Polishing ideas through meetings and research will assist the process even further.

  1. Apples need peeled!

Going beyond the peel of your idea allows you to dig deeper to discover the details of what makes up your idea. Seeing the apple from the inside out gives you a stronger understanding of how to market your work to customers.

  1. Apples require assistance!

You need help with all these apples that need picked, rinsed, and peeled! Trying to do it all by yourself can lead to burnout and doubt of your achieved talents. This comes in the form of gathering a cohesive team and venturing into your local entrepreneurial ecosystem that can further your goals as you pursue entrepreneurship. Delegating the work makes for an efficient and timely progression of your product.

  1.  Apples need recipes

Now that you have a clear goal, you need to make a guideline. Just like apples need a recipe for whether they will be applesauce, pies, or various other treats. You can find resources on the internet, from people you’ve networked with, or from books. All of these options can help you decide to market your product.

  1. Apples need to be sold!

Now that you have your business, it’s time to make money! Going to the farmers market is a sure way to get those apples in the hands of consumers. Your business needs a market to promote itself as well.

Entrepreneurs are like apples. They need tending, cultivating and collecting to yield the best results.  Sometimes you might come across an apple with a bruise and you might find an apple that is not quite ripe.  Wherever you find yourself in entrepreneurial pursuits, keep in mind that no apple is perfect, but when cultivated, cleaned and cooked just right, they still make a mean apple pie!. 

Good luck in your harvesting endeavors! 


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